Thursday, June 12, 2014

Opening, Closing, Ongoing

There's been so much going on lately it has been difficult to concentrate on one area of reflection for Full Spring Flow, so I'll just touch on some highlights from the several things happening in May and June.

Photo: John Schuerman
Saturday, May 17th was the Aqua per Capita Event at Bloomington Theatre and Art Center - an outdoor participatory theater workshop exploring the relationship of population to water use and carrying capacity. It was wonderful to collaborate with Climb Theater, John Crampton of the Bush Lake Chapter Izaak Walton League of America, the league's volunteers, musicians John Tallaksen and Linda Olson, as well as the many others that supported the event. Photographs and "ceremonial" artifacts from the event are now on display at the Fruitful and Multiplying exhibit, curated by John Schuerman, at the Minneapolis Central Library and running June 6-July 31, with an opening reception June 12 at 6-8.

The exhibit "River-Wash at Little Mekong: Selected Views" has been at Asian Economic Development Association since February 18 through Friday, June 13. The exhibit gives a glimpse into a participatory public art project in Little Mekong that took place Fall 2013. This weekend, on June 14th the exhibit will be part of the outdoor gallery at Little Mekong's new Night Market, timed to coincide with the opening of the Green Line.

Children's Nest Egg was included in St. Louis Park Magazine's June 2014 issue in an article, "The Art of Community" by Maggie Soucheray Sonnek about public art in St. Louis Park.

In the Earth Systems Journey area of Full Spring Studio, a new project has kicked off: I'll be working with River's Edge Academy Charter Environmental High School to collaborate on an Earth Systems Journey of water through their school. This project is many faceted and supported by many partners. Some of the planning and development was done during my time as a Buckman Fellow this last year. Institute on the Environment at the U of MN is providing Seed funding as part of my Resident Fellowship there. And the project will be one of my focus areas this coming year as a Visiting Scholar in the Art Education Department at the U of MN College of Education and Human Development. 

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